Happy Birthday Maddie!

As you may know I have many adorable and fun nieces and nephews. This week my niece Maddie turned 15. I know this sounds cliche, but where has the time gone? I remember when Maddie was a little baby. How 15 years have flown by. I am so proud of her and he young lady she has become. She has such a fun and unique personality full of humor and kindness. People tell us all the time that she and I are so much alike. I see the similarities in our personalities and it makes me chuckle. We are both very sarcastic and pranksters. When she and I are together we just laugh and conspire! I'm glad she talks to me about personal things and hope I give here the right advice. I know she's such a smart girl and although we're all bound to have bumps in the road, she will make good choices and be happy.

Aunts and Uncles have an opportunity to relate to their niece in a way that her parents can't. Since she is not in their care, they do not feel the weighty responsibility of knowing that they are responsible for her upbringing. This leads to a different kind of relationship in which they can relate to their niece by appreciating her unique talents and gifts that make her so special. They can spend time spoiling her and treating her like the princess she is.

I love you miss Maddie! I hope you had a great birthday and 15 is as fun and fabulous as you!

Favorite Aunt Kristie

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