As happy as a pig in the sunshine...

Today was such a fun southern day! I started off the day in Columbus, Mississippi then vetured back to the southern comfort of Alabama. Just across the Alabama border near a town called Aliceville I saw a very old Church off the roadside, so I thought I'd take a closer look. Once I turned onto the road where the church rested, I noticed it was FERGUSON road. The church was very old and had a special reverence about it. It easily dated back to the mid 1800's. I can only imagine what that church house has seen! I peeked in the windows and saw old wooden benches and it even had the old wood burning stove. I was in awe witht he uniqueness of the spirit that was there. I would put it in one of the top 10 coolest things I've seen in my lifetime....and I've seen a lot of cool things.
While on my way to Eutaw, AL, (pronounced Utah) I came across some really neat old Plantations. I passed the Kirkwood and Everhope Plantations. The Kirkwood Plantation was especially GORGEOUS! I've decided my new dream is to own a plntation home and make it a bed and breakfast. A wanna be souther girl can always dream :)
I stopped in at a little antique shop in Eutaw and found a really neat glove box. I'm so excited about my southern find!
I especially loved listening to the religious radio stations. I heard people being saved right over the radio! It was amazing! "sweet Jesus....YOU ARE SAVED....Haleighuja" I need to find me one of those churches this coming Sunday. I need a guarantee'd save. "HALELUJAH..PRAISE THE LORD"
Once I got out of the southern sticks I came into Mobile, AL. It's a city right on the Mobile Bay. A seven mile bridge took me across the bay. I must say...The more I see of Alabama, the mroe I fall in love with it!
Tomorrow i head to Montgomery, AL. I'm excited for the adventures tomorrow will bring. Until then, here's a fun southern saying: "Excuses are like backsides. Everybody’s got one and they all stink."

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