All I can say is that there's a sweetness here, a Southern sweetness, that makes sweet music. . .

I'm glad to still be in Dixie. I have really enjoyed my time in this hospitable southern country. I started out this morning in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I stopped at the post office to get some post card stamps and the post master said, "thank you for coming in, MAY GOD BLESS YOU (she said that with complete sincerity). I loved it! I think it's grat some people are so confident in their relationship with God that they just want to share the love.

While in Tuscaloosa, I drove through University of Alabama. Talk about Alabama pride!
I then worked my way to Tennessee then onto Mississippi. Whenever I say Mississippi it reminds me of when I was little and it was aways fun to spell it. M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I.

While on my way to Tennessee I stopped at an antique store along the highway. It was full of every nick and nack imaginable! It was fun to visit with the shop owner and take a break from driving.

Living out West I forget how the south still wants to, "rise again". It wasn't a surprise to see a confederate flag outside homes. I thought by 2010 things would have changed. I guess for some people, they choose to stay.....well......confederate.

Nothing special to share about Tennessee. It was short and sweet and then I hit the road to Mississippi. Whille en rout I saw a road sign that read, "coon dog cemetery". I didn't know they really had those here!!!
I'm now in Columbus, Mississippi. I haven't seen much of Mississippi during day light, so I'll have more to share tomorrow. Enjoy the pictures I took while driving today.....

Here's a fun southern quote to end this post....
"Growing up Southern is a privilege, really. It's more than where you're born, it's an idea and state of

mind that seems imparted at birth. It's more than loving fried chicken, sweet tea, football, and country
music. it's being hospitable, devoted to front porches, magnolias, moon pies and coca-cola... and
each other. We don't become Southern - we're born that way."

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