Sunshine is on it's way

I heard a song that reminded me of you. The lyrics touched my heart and I hope it does yours as well.

Remember everything has a season... A time to renew and have a fresh start. You may feel as though you're in the dead of winter, when really Spring is just around the corder. You will feel the warm sunlight on your face. You just need to make it through the winter. I know it's cold. Wrap yourself in goodness. Start a fire of faith. Build a shelter for your soul. You will see warmer days ahead. The sun will be brighter. Flowers will bloom. Life will be beautiful. Before you know it, it will be summer soon!

Mother - do not cry for me
All of this is exactly how it's supposed to be
I'm right here. Can you hear my voice?
My life, my love, my baby boy

As they nail me to this tree
Just know my Father waits for me
God how can this be your will?
To have your son and my son killed?

Whatever happens...whatever you see...
Whatever your eyes tell you has become of me
This is not...
Not the end...
I am making all things new again

I remember when you were born
In that manger where I first held
You in my arms
So many miracles and lives you've changed
And this world repays you how?
With all this pain

Whatever happens...whatever you see...
Whatever your eyes tell you has become of me
This is not...
Not the end...
I am making all things new again

It's not the end for you my friend...just time to renew.

“Run your fingers through my soul. For once, just once, feel exactly what I feel, believe what I believe, perceive as I perceive, look, experience, examine, and for once; just once, understand.” - unknown

When you feel nobody else believes in you. I do.
When you feel you're alone. You're not.
When you feel you can't do it anymore. You can.

Someone who believes in you

P.S. Remember...When the sun finally comes out, don't forget to wear sunscreen!

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1 comment:

Celeste said...

What great lyrics! Hang in baby!!

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