It wasn't easy...But I made it to ALASKA!

I've always DREAMED of visiting ALASKA! Not only because the men to women ratio is something like 10-1 but I've been so anxious to see the culture and beauty of the state.
I took the 6 am flight from SLC to Denver, then Seattle and finally arrived in Alaska. When de-boarding my flight in Anchorage I notices a black bag in the overhead compartment, however it was NOT MY BAG! The abandoned bag was small and black, just like my carry-on bag. HOWEVER, MY bag has a big RED ribbon on the handle. Since I was practically the last person to de-board the plane I told the flight attendant someone had mistakenly took my bag and left theirs behind. We went to the ticket counter and they took the ID from the bag and paged the passenger on the intercom system. We tried calling Jacquelin from Montana, but no response. I was told to go to the Continental baggage center and make a claim. I was very nervous because I had two laptops, two cameras an ALL of my work equipment in my bag. I was missing about $2,000 in personal property. I was hoping and praying Jaqueline was honest and didn't run to the nearest pawn shop to cash in. I kept calling and calling her cell phone number but always, straight to voice mail. FINALLY, almost three hours later she answers, "hello". "Hi, this is Kristie Ferguson and we were on the same Continental flight from Seattle to Anchorage. You mistakenly took my bag off the airplane". (silence) "OH MY! (in her elderly voice) well what bag do you think I have? I have MY bag"! "I'm sorry maam, but my bag has a RED ribbon on the handle. Your bag is here at the airport." (silence) "Well I'm three hours away". "Well, I'm sorry maam, but I need my bag ASAP you need to come back". She mumbled under her breath and I could tell she was obviously shocked, confused and upset, (as was I...I'm here for work on a tight schedule and the clock was ticking). "let me talk to my son and call you back" she said.
I go ahead and call my VERY understanding boss and tell him the situation. He tells me not to worry because it was out of my control and to go ahead and get my rental car and find a hotel the for the evening.
I got my Chrystler Sebring and decided to go check out downtown Anchorage while I waited for my bag. Jacqueline called back and said, "I put your bag on a flight from Homer, to Anchorage and it will be there in an hour." I was thanking her when she interrupts me. "YOU TOOK MY BAG OFF THE PLANE! You took my bag and so I was confused". "Maam, I was sitting in the rear of the plane and you took my bag. Your bag was the only bag left in the overhead compartment." (silence) "Well, I asked the gentleman to get my bag down, you remember, you heard me. You were sitting next to me". "I'm sorry maam I did not hear or see anything and I was in the back of the plane."
(silence) "Well your bag is on it's way...GOODBYE." She hung up. She was yelling at me! I couldn't believe it. All that mattered was I was getting my bag returned. By this time I was in downtown Anchorage. I hit the tourist trap gift shops and visited with some locals.
I returned to the airport, got my bag with all of it's contents, (fhew) and headed to my hotel. It was 10:00 PM by the time I got to the hotel and it was still light outside. It felt like 6:00 PM. It's still light outside, very strange yet very cool. Although today was complete chaos, I'm glad to finally be in Alaska. I can't wait for tomorrow!!!! Enjoy the pics!
From The Air
Close Encounter

Bay Near Anchorage

Happy To Be In Alaska!

Water Still Frozen

The Plane Nanna Flew In On "The Proposal" ;)

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Celeste said...

What a mean old lady! You know that if I had been there it wouldn't have been!!! Be safe and have fun!

Melissa said...

Gotta have a memorable story for your treasured Alaska trip. You've been waiting and waiting for your chance to be there. Enjoy yourself and the long, light days.

Melissa said...

You needed a story to tell for your treasured Alaska trip. You've waited and waited for your chance to go to Alaska, so have a blast!

Melissa said...

You've waited and waited for your chance to go to Alaska! You had to have a story to go with it. Enjoy yourself.

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