"Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours” - Winston Churchhill

This morning I had a bitter sweet farewell with beautiful Alaska.  While I was soooo happy to be there, so may things had gone wrong that is was hard for me to stay positive and fully enjoy the trip as I had planned.
One night I had a mental and emotional breakdown when my power converter caught fire in my car, (now I think it's funny and can laugh).  That was just the straw that broke the camels back.  I called my sister Linda and she talked me down and told me to forget about crazy bag thief lady and realize some things are out of my controll and to make the most of the trip.  LOVE MY SISTER!  I took a deep breath, told myself I was in gorgeous Alaska and who knows when I'd be back.  My last day in Alaska was so amazing.  I drove from downtown Anchorage to Kenai.  The drive to Keni is breathtaking.  About an hour of that drive is right along the coast.  I kept an eye out for whales, but no luck.  I think it's still to early in the season.  The rest of the drive is through HUGE and I mean HUGE snowcapped mountains.  I drove past the beautiful aqua blue Kenai lake and across the Kenai River.  The Kenai river is known for having HUGE Alaskan Salmon.  I drove to the town of Kenai and saw the Captain cook inlett.  It's along a dark sandy beach coastline, beautiful view!  I went to the Kenai visitors center and asked the locals where I could get some fresh sea food.  They told me to visit "louies" steak and seafood.  I ordered the crab and lobster Halibut.  The Halibut was so fresh it was a bright white.  Also, VERY yummy!  I finished up work in Soldotna and headed back to Ancirage.   Linda called to check up on me and making sure I was staying positive (as if I'm 5 years old).  She reminded me that everything would work out.  I told her she was right and that I'd say a little prayer in hopes I'd make the flight out and everything would be okay.  She kindly reminded me not to just ask for what I needed, but also to give thanks for all the little blessings I have yet to notice.  She was so right.  I've been so worried about what's gone wrong, I spend no time looking at all that was right.  I said a little prayer and thanked God for bringing me to such a beautiful place and keeping me safe.  Who knows all the other bad things he protected me from while I was there.  I mean, I could have been eaten by a Bear or drove my car into the ocean and swollowed by a whale, (you never know).
I drove back to Anchorage and tried to catch the last flight out, however there were MAJOR communication issues with United.  I will say, I will never fly United ever again!  I ended up sleeping in the airport and luckily after two more phone calls to United, made the 8:00 AM flight to Minneapolis.  I didn't know I'd be so happy to be closer to home.  For now I'm gonna focus on work, forget about all the crap that happened there, and remember how lucky I was to have visited Alaska.  Hopefully the next time I'm there things will run a little more smooth and maybe even see some whales!  I learned that things will happen that are out of our controll and to remember that things always work out in the end .  Most importantly, remember to thank he man upstairs for the many things we receive and the many we didn't notice we received.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your pics are awesome! I cant wait to go to Alaska!

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