If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. - Maya Algelou

I just watched a movie that got me thinking....Are those that are successful with love lucky or smart?

I always thought that two people who had found a deep, trusting and  romantic love were lucky.  That they were at the right place at the right time.  That everything magically fell in order and made it possible for them to find happiness.  Oh.. if life were like the movies!

"Life is the sum of all your choices." ~Albert Camus

I believe in choice and consequence.  The sum of our lives are choices + actions. 

When people make decisions, we do so with the information we have in front of us.  We weigh the pro's and con's, the outcome of the decision and move forward with that we feel is right - Hopefully that is.
Sometimes we don't have all the facts.  Sometimes we don't even have the correct information in front of us before the decisions are made.  We simply do our best.  Hoping all will result with a good outcome. 

February 08, 2008 was a lucky day for me, I've always thought.  It was Friday afternoon and I was at work.  My boss and his assistant were out of town for the week and I was the only one still at the office.  Overly excited for a weekend in Vegas with my girlfriends, I was counting down the minutes until I was free for the fun filled weekend.   I was most likely surfing the Internet wasting time when two men walked in.  For comedy's sake, let's call them dumb and dumber.  "Hey we're here to see Mr. BLEEP, (let's just call him BLEEP instead of another four letter word I'd probably like to use".  "I'm sorry, he's out of the office".  "Well, I just need to show my co-worker some work I did, so we're just gonna go look in his office."  REALLY?  I remember  thinking, who do these guys think they are? "I'm sorry, I can't just let you walk around BLEEP's office".  I agreed to show them a similar office that wasn't laced with bank statements and million dollar business deals.  I led them into the office when his co-worker, complimented on the finish work Mr. Dumb had done.  Without hesitation, Mr. Dumb replies, thank you, I think I did an amazing job myself."  I snicker under my breath,  "what is it about you men that think you're always so good at what you do!?!?"  (What a great way to represent the company, right?? lol)
"excuse me?" Mr. Dumb replies.  "Are you married?" - He asks.  "I'm divorced."  He smiles, looks me up and down and says, "now it all makes a lot more sense."  "What is that suppose to mean"? I snickered.  "nothing" is all he said.  I put my hand on the door knob motioning it was time to leave.  I went back to my desk and Mr. Dumb kept talking to me.  "So ...you should come hang out with us tonight".  I grabbed my planner and started thumbing pages, "well I'm going to Vegas with the girls this weekend, then next week I have blah blah and then....I'm just really busy."  He continues talking about what now I can't remember and I grab a note pad and begin jotting down my digits.  I slapped the post it note on the desk and he quickly snatched it up.  I don't remember if we said anything else, but Dumb and Dumber were gone.  I went about my Vegas weekend and regular life when I received a text a week later asking how Vegas was.  It was Mr. Dumb.  After that moment followed a memorable first date, lasagna valentine's dinner and two more years together. 

I told you the lengthy, cheesy story because I always felt lucky I worked that day.  That he text me, and simply that I met him.  My friends and family saw a sparkle in my eye and an excitement that they hadn't seen in a long time. I had made the choice to fall in love with him.  I let myself have feelings for someone again. It was an amazing, "lucky" feeling........ while it lasted.  I wish it would have lasted.  I wish my luck hadn't ran out. 

I know now that it wasn't luck.  It was a stream of choices and consequences.  Because of them, I am a different person.   I believe in love like I never have before.  I've felt it.  I've had it.  I've lost it. 

I have make the choice to move forward with my life.  All I can do is take what I've learned and continue to make choices that put me on the path of where I want to be.  Right now I don't know what the big result has in store.  I'm just taking my choices day by day.  Hoping  to collect more facts and information along the way, because I  know for certain I don't have all the facts right now. 

You often hear people say, "knowing what I know now, I'd still do it all over again".  In relation to the story I just told, I believe the same.  Even though I don't believe things happen because of luck, but because of choices, It's comforting to sometimes believe that, " If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities".  Because let's face it, who really ever wants to face reality!?!?

XOXO - Sassy

1 comment:

Celeste said...

amen sista! I think you found out a lot about yourself while you were with him. You are one amazing woman!

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