God always has a plan B!

So....if you know me you know that I am scatter brained and all over the place!  Kinda wacky and unpredictable.  Some of my friends say that's what they love about me, but most of the time it drives me crazy!   I've had to start telling myself, "prepare for plan B" because plan A rarely works as I had planned.  I was at Walgreen's the other day getting Valentine supplies when I saw a book, "God always has a plan B".  I thought, "WOW, how perfect for me right now". 

So far it's been a pretty good read.  It's one of those little books you keep in your purse and read a page or two when you're in a waiting room or have a few minutes to spare.  One of the phrases I've liked best so far is: "God can take the ugly things life hurls at us and somehow make them beautiful.  he can bring us through the worst of times and make us stronger, more hopeful and more grateful in the process". 
I've probably heard that a hundred different times, worded a hundred different ways and yet it's so true any way you look at it.  It helps me remember the hard times in life are only making me a better person, IF I CHOOSE to react to them appropriately.  Once last quote I wanted to share is: "No problem is too big that it won't fit in God's hands". - Suzanne Berry

So even though life may not be as we had planned or envisioned, it's okay!  It's still God's plan, and plan B isn't always the second choice, sometimes it's the best choice for us.  At least that helps me feel better when my plan A isn't panning out.

XOXO Kristie

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