Just in case he reads this....

Alrighty, so I went to a friends house for dinner on Sunday night.  She is a good friend that shared dating adventures with me in Colorado.  I would say she knows me pretty well and I just love her to death.  Melissa Wolfe Taylor, yes it's you!  :)  while eating dinner the topic of dating came up and I just remember blurting out, "I hate dating"!  Followed with her husband laughing.  He obviously understands where I'm coming from and I'm sure he is relieved to no longer be in the dating game! Mostly because he married one of the coolest women alive!
Seriously, I hate dating now that I'm older, and I'm sure I'm not the only one!  In my teens and twenties it was so much fun.  You were just happy he was cute and paid for dinner.   Well I can buy my own food now, so.... why not try to impress me!  I'm not looking for Mr. Perfect but maybe Mr. close to perfect.  Is that asking too much too soon?  I'm sure nothing will come of this post except me venting to the universe.  So since this is my blog, I'm just gonna throw a few things out there and even if it helps just one man, well, I will feel better.  :)

Just a few of my own tips for you single men out there:

1- Pay for EVERYTHING and don't use coupons and IF she even offers, don't let her chip in until you've been dating for a few months and even then, STILL PAY!
2- Talk about her and ask her questions.  Don't brag about how you were a star athlete in HIGH SCHOOL!  It's been long enough you should have accomplished something since then ;). 
3- Don't ever tell her how lucky she is to be out with you.  It's the other way around!
4- look your best!  don't wear a shirt with a hole in it!
5- Don't assume the sale...let her show YOU she is interested.
6- Don't get touchy to fast.  If we want you to hold our hand, kiss us, etc, we'll let you know.
7- Don't talk about your ex-wife and your ex-girlfriend and how you really, "messed that one up".
8-Walk us back to the car if we're meeting you.  If you drove, get the door for us!  Women do appreciate it!  We really do like the old fashion gentlemen!
9- Walk us to the door, don't drop us off while the car is still running.  TACKY!
10- If you want to go out again, be a man and ask, don't text me and ask me 10 minutes after you leave. AND speaking about leaving... leave me wanting...wait a day before you call or text AND don't text to ask me if you text me too much!
Those are just some ideas from my past experiences.  Just for fun Here is a link from a fun web site.  http://www.dumblittleman.com/2009/03/10-first-date-tips-for-modern-gentleman.html

AND another good one http://artofmanliness.com/2010/05/19/what-to-carry-on-a-first-date-the-gentlemans-arsenal/

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1 comment:

Melissa said...

Number 11. Don't propose with a pearl ring! Especially when the girl picked out the diamond on a previous date with you. Ha! Ha! You are awesome! Love ya.

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