The Spiritual Triad Between Heart, Body & Soul.

It makes so much sense....

Now that I read this book!

I have always struggled with my weight.  Even when I played basketball 5 days a week or when I ran 30+ miles a week training for a marathon.  It was something I could never seem to conquer.  "Everyone's bodies are simply different.  You are just a bigger girl" is what I often heard. OR THE BEST YET, when my mom said to me, "you could be a plus size model". 

I have a friend who is a competitive body builder.  I asked him for some helpful tips in shedding body fat.  He told me that I can work out all I want, but would never achieve the results I wanted unless I made changes in my nutrition.  He pointed me in the direction of Ron Williams and I purchased his book, "Faith & Fat Loss".  I admit the book sat on my bookshelf for another month before I threw it in my suit case in the event I needed something to read while on a flight to Atlanta. 

This book has been sooooo very eye opening and has really helped me understand how everything in our lives are intertwined.  From stress, sleep, relationships, food and our spiritual connection with God.  How ultimately all of the above and much more effect our weight.  Some of you may already understand this, but I am certain I am not alone when I thought being thin was eating salads and running 5 miles a day.  For some of you that may work, but for the majority of us that struggle with excess body fat, it never has worked and never will work.  Causing us to become even more frustrated with the never ending cycle of weight loss. 

I knew there were a lot of hormones and pesticides in our food as most of it is processed.  I knew McDonald's was bad for me and have heard that I shouldn't drink soda.  I never really knew WHY or understood how bad it really is for my body.  For OUR bodies.  Until I found the proper resources and took the time to educate myself. 

I love how the book intertwines God into all of it's aspects.  That God wants us to be happy and healthy.  That he wants us to "rid our excess weight so we can be free".  Learning how our mental, emotional, spiritual wellness ultimately effects our physical health and vise versa.  Step 1 for me has been educating myself and not spending my hard earned $$$ on the newest fad diet. 

Ron Williams has an amazing website that is full of information that has helped me.  It has shed some much needed light and hope on a dark and depressing situation.  I'm thankful I found this information and hope it will educate and inspire some of you as well.


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