The Thrill Of Turning 30!!!!!!

BIG Wishes this year!

It's official people!!! I am now THIRTY years old!!! It feels a little crazy to know that my 20's have come and gone, however I am so excited to see what my 30's have to offer.  I stayed up watching keeping up with the Kardashians when my phone lit up at midnight, "happy birthday wishes" had begun. This is the first birthday I've actually felt different in that pivotal moment of 11:59 pm 6-6-2011 to 12:00 am 06-07-2011. I thought to myself, "here it is, I'm 30, it's really here. I know it sounds sappy and what not, but I actually teared up a little. Not because I was sad, but because I was happy!!!!  Happy with all that I have learned and grown up to this time in my life.  The last few months I thought of planning a big 30th birthday bash. Maybe spending a week in Mexico or escaping on a cruse. But every time I started planning, It wasn't how I really wanted to spend my big day. I don't need a big party or vacation to celebrate this year. I feel so content and blessed with what I have that I just want to enjoy the day at the spa, have lunch with my Dad and eat my Mom's home made German Chocolate Cake. A few weeks ago my niece brought up the fact that I'm getting older and asked what I would do differently if I could turn back the hands of time. My first response was, "always wear sun screen. Wear it in your make up, wear it on every part of your body, every day!". Then I got to thinking about other things I would have done differently. I can honestly say, nothing. ABSOLUTELY there were some really REALLY tough times, but I wouldn't trade any of them for what I thought  I wanted at the time. I don't want to live my life in the past and from now on, I'm focused on the present and the future. Ive come a long way this last decade. I fell in love, had my heart broken, ran a marathon, met amazing new friends, traveled the country and have had some of the best and worst times of my life. All experiences I am so grateful for! Every. Single. One.

The last few weeks I have been pondering my "30 thoughts on turning 30". I made it a point to make it a positive list of things I have learned and have come to appreciate.
I can't express how happy and grateful I feel at this very moment. Life has been so good to me thus far. God has really held me in the palm of his hand and blessed me abundantly. I have THE MOST amazing group of friends and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.  My family.... It was no mistake that I chose you. I love you all very much and I hope that is something you will always feel from me.
Okay, okay, I better get this show in the road or this blog will take 30 years to read.
Here we go, my 30 thoughts on turning 30!!!!!!!

1 - You are never alone! I know God loves all of us individually and knows us on a personal basis. Although we cannot see him or the miracles he works in our lives, he is always there. At times you may feel you are the only person struggling, you are not. Everyone else struggles too!

2 - Have a pet. It's even a scientific fact people that have pets live longer. Pets can be some of the most loyal and loving companions. Everyone needs to be loved.

3 - Forgive. Such a powerful thing. Seek and offer forgiveness. It can heal you, it can transform your life. It can rescue you from a living hell. Forgive!

4 - Sit up straight! Posture portrays self confidence. You feel and look stronger. As my 3rd grade teacher told me, it helps your food digest better.

5 - Love is blind. Love someone for who they are on the inside. For their faults, weaknesses, strengths and character. simply love them as a human being. This doesn't mean you have to BE in love with them, just love people genuinely.

6 - Listen. Listen to what others have to say. Value and respect their opinion and who they are. even if you don't agree. There is always something to be learned from someone else, no matter their age, race, or social background.

7 - Don't stop believing. Prayers aren't always answered on demand or when we expect them to be. Be patient. Dreams do come true. Prayers are answered when least expected.

8 - Always be ready for plan B! I'm not talking about birth control here, (though I can see how for some it might be fitting :-). Life doesn't always go as planned. We can't control everything. Be flexible, be ready to change course when needed. Be ready for plan B!

9 - You teach people how to treat you. Respect isn't always a given, it is earned. Love yourself, respect yourself and others will do the same. You teach people how to treat you!

10 - People can change. I believe everyone deserves a second, third sometimes a fourth chance. It's never too late to change and make things right. See the good in people. People can change!

11 - Always tell those you love how you feel. Who cares if your embarrassed or even prideful. If you love someone, tell them. Show them everyday the love you have for them. You never know when that opportunity may no longer exist.

12 - Show gratitude. Be thankful for the simplest of blessings. Be mindful of others who show kindness. Always say thank you no matter how big or small the gesture.

13 - Acquire a good work ethic.  Others will learn they can rely on you when they know you will roll your sleeves up and get your hands dirty.  Although we had helping hands, I am thankful my parents made us spend our summers working in the family fruit orchard.  Planting, pruning and everything else we whined about helped us grow character.  I learned the value of hard work and also how to appreciate and respect others that do it every day. 

14 - Age is nothing but a state of mind.  We don't stop playing because we grew old.  We grew old because we stopped playing.  We are never too old to try something new, create or stop playing.

15 - Enjoy the view. Sometimes if we always focus on what's right in front of us it can be discouraging. Take time to sit back, relax and enjoy the view, the big picture of life. It's gorgeous!

16 - Avoid debt. This is another hard one for some. Debt never sleeps, takes a holiday or a sick day. It can be binding as though your in jail. Stay Free. Stay out of debt.

17 - Be a good friend. Be someone your friends can count on. Love them no matter what and keep their secrets. It takes being a good friend to have good friends.

18 - The the best at what you are.  Nobody is perfect, I'm just saying give YOUR best to be YOUR best!  If you're a mom, be the best mom YOU can be.  If you're a garbage man, be the best garbage man YOU can be!

19 - Why not you!?!  Why not you to do something for work that you love? Have a healthy body? A healthy love? Why not you to have or do anything you have ever dreamed!?!?

20 - Cut yourself some slack.  It's great to work hard and have goals.  Just remember if things don't always work out, don't give up, learn your lesson and move on.

21 - Family comes first.  Above a career, fortune and fame are people that won't fire you, won't value your worth on how much $$ you have or what you wear...First things first, family is always there!  A happy and loving family is the biggest success anyone can have.

22 - Love as much as you can!  Love as many things, hobbies, people, whatever it may be, love is the core to all that matters.  Really learn how to LOVE!

23 - Happiness is a choice.  Circumstances don't determine our mood.  It's a choice.  We choose how to react to whatever happens in our lives.  It makes life a lot easier for everyone if we choose to be happy.  Trust me, it takes practice ;).

24 - Ten Commandments.  Keep them.

25 - Good men are hard to find.  There are many handsome, charming and charismatic men out there swimming in the sea.  I've learned that a REAL MAN, a genuine, kind, honest and loving man is hard to find.  If you have one, love him, hold onto him.  If you don't, keep fishing, you deserve a great catch!

26 - Dream BIG!  Dream as big as your dreams will go! Even if others think you are silly, don't let their negativity rain on your parade.  The bigger the dreamer, the bigger the achiever!  No dream is too unreachable or too big!

27 - Life is the way it's supposed to be.  Have faith that God is in control.  Some of us may try to control everything, just remember at the end of the day, the world will always be the way its supposed to be.

28 - Dance.  Get your groove on, snap your fingers, bump and grind.  Dancing clears our minds, we relax and have fun!  Shake it!

29 - Timing is everything.  I believe luck is when preparation meets opportunity.  We fall in love when our hearts are open.  We land a good job when we are qualified.  There is something magical about never knowing when something amazing can happen.  It's exciting.  Be ready, put yourself in the right places.  Timing is everything!

#30 is probably the biggest lesson I have learned the last 5 or so years.  It's something I have struggled with, and will most likely always be discovering, but when I'm in alignment with it, I feel so good!  I try to continuously encourage my friends and family to follow it as well.  My wish for every single person is to....

30 - Find your true self, be your true self and SHINE!  If this is my wish for everyone I know, I can only imagine it's also what God wants for us as well.  We are all different and unique in a beautiful and purposeful way.  It's good to be different!  It's good to stand out!  We each have a responsibility to discover, refine and share our talents to bless the lives of others.  Let your soul free.  In doing so you will bless your own life as well as the lives of others far beyond you can imagine.  What could be better than that!?!?!

A BIG HUG and thank YOU to all of you who have helped me find myself, encouraged me and loved me even if my dreams and ideas are different than yours.  I hope all of our dreams come true and we continue to share love, life and happiness!


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1 comment:

Celeste said...

I LOVE you birthday girl!!!! Love your 30 thoughts~ every one is TRUE!

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