Alaska - The Land That I Love!

I need to write more frequently in my blog... A. LOT. MORE.

I see and do so many things and forget to post my fun.
I need to remember to do this so when my future children are older and think I am lame, they can read my blog and realize their MOM really was/is COOL.  :)

ALASKA August 2011

I usually visit Alaska every 6 months or so for work and ALWAYS LOVE each and every time I go.  Even if it's December and a freezing winter wonderland.  I LOVE ALASKA.
I am from Utah - A VERY beautiful state.  Here we have gorgeous mountains, lakes, red rock, sand dunes, the list goes on and on!  What I love about Alaska is that EVERYWHERE you go it's beautiful.  You can be at the 7-Eleven and it's gorgeous. 

I had my boss schedule me three personal days on top of my two work days.  Meaning, FIVE days in my happy place.  Five days to take it all in once again.  I flew into Anchorage and got work over with as fast as I could.  I headed south to the Kenai Peninsula.  The route from Anchorage to Kenai is along a rout called turn again arm.  It's right along the coast, almost a bay.  While on the drive I saw some Alaskan wind surfers.

I also saw a lot of wild life while on my way to Kenai.

I found a camping spot Along the coast near Ninilchic, AK.  I didn't know until after I had camped there that many moons ago my dad flew into the Ninilchic airport.  I love when I know I'm somewhere far far away and someone I love has been there before.  It makes me feel connected to them and to that place is some cosmic way.  Tell me this sunset is not awesome on every single way.  It was taken about 11PM Alaskan Time.  love the LONG summers!

(BLUE dot is where I was camping)

I set up my little one WOman tent and slept with my $39.99 can of bear spray in one hand and my pink tazer in the other.  I was the ONLY girl camping ALONE in the camp ground.  Everyone else had cozy campers and they were all MANLY ALASKAN MEN.  Although they were easy on the eyes, I felt very vulnerable out there by myself.  BUT HEY!  When will I ever have this experience again?!?

The first night was a little nerve wrenching.  I didn't get much sleep.  Mostly because the mighty camper that I am, I didn't assemble my one WOman tent very well and it kept collapsing on me.  My sleeping bag was a mummy bag and I am claustrophobic.  I SWORE I heard bears and or Alaskan men walking by my tent.  I decided to surrender and put in my earphones and listened to my "relaxation" play list on my iphone.  Funny thing about those relaxation tracks tend to have calming wave sound effects.  Well apparently it wasn't only the relaxation audio book, I was camping along the coast and apparently there is this natural occurrence called a "TIDE".  Yeah....the waves sounded REALLY loud so I opened my tent door and the Alaskan Ocean Waves were crashing about 25 feet from my tent.  Whats even worse, I was so tired and delirious I didn't do a thing about it.  Obviously I lived to continue this story.  Someone must have been praying for me that night.  Thank you! 

When I officially woke up for the next day  this is the view that TOOK MY BREATH away
when I opened my tent door

I packed up my little one WOman camp ground and headed south to the town of Homer, Alaska.  It was a gorgeous, scenic drive down to Homer.  I stopped every time I saw beautiful scenery, meaning I stopped about a million times.

While driving into Homer it looks pretty ordinary.  Gas stations, a Safeway, McDonald's, blah blah...then around the bend, (literally) is a wondrous view of the ocean and lush mountains.  There are quaint little shops and HUNDREDS of fishing boats at the pier.  I stopped in a little fishing charter company and booked a half day Halibut fishing trip.  I thought I should make myself pretty in case there were some Alaskan Men on my boat.  I unpacked my wet wipes, wash cloths, razors, makeup deodorant and a clean set of clothes to later  walk out of the rest stop bathroom a newly refreshed woman.  Nobody would have ever known that the night before I camped all my myself in a partially collapsed tent, almost swallowed by the ocean.

After I freshened up I walked around the Pier.  I met some Russian fishermen.  They were processing Yellow Eye or "snapper".  I could barely understand what they were saying with their strong Russian accent, but they were friendly.

I found my fishing boat and climbed aboard.  I was the only single woman on the ship.  (HEY HEY)
Everyone else was much older and a few of them brought their wives.  With the exception of the middle aged couple and the mid thirties tourist from England who left his wife and three children behind at the hotel.  I didn't mind being somewhat alone on my own adventure.  It's now or never.

I was hoping to see some whales on the way out to sea, but unfortunately I didn't see a single one.  I did however catch two Halibut.  I actually caught about eight of them, but I could only bring two home with me so I kept a 16 and 18 pounder.  What a work out Halibut fishing is!  Those fish are HUGE!  I did have a small to medium crush on my fishing guide Adam.  I still need to search for him on facebook and make a re-connection. :)

All in all, I had an over the top time.  I HEART that land and can't wait to go back.  I hope you enjoy the pictures and can sense the beauty I felt while I was there.  Until next time Alaska, I can't wait!
Last but not least, on my way to the airport and right in the middle of the highway is a Moose.  My last farewell token.  XOXO - Kristie

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