Beethoven and Beatles, Mozart and Michael Jackson, Paganini and Prince - I like them all. -Vanessa Mae

I've Got Georgia On My Mind

Once again work took me to a fun and wondrous place.  If you know anything about me you know that I have a deep love for the south.  I don't know if it's related to my southern heritage or the pecan pie, but there is just something about it.  It's homey, comfortable, friendly oh yeah.... and HUMID :)

I think Reese Whitherspoon in the movie Sweet Home Alabama is the cutest thing since Care Bears eating cotton candy.  There is a town in Georgia where the majority of that movie was filmed.  
Rome, Georgia.

I wanted to see the "Carmichael Plantation" as they called it in the movie.  I asked some friendly locals and they referred to it as Oak Hill also known as the Martha Berry Plantation.  I bought her autobiography while I was there at the gift shop and found her very interesting.  
There is something for each of us to learn from her extraordinary life. 

I went to the Martha Berry Plantation and also took a tour of the home.  Many of the items in the home were original pieces.  If you're ever in Rome, Georgia you should make the trip to Oak Hill

In the back yard of the plantation where "Bobby Ray" shot off the cannons.

There is a gazebo at the end of a flourish brick walkway.  It's called The Wedding Walk.  Martha Berry would take her young female students and give them a traditional, "before marriage" talk to prepare her young women for becoming a wife and home making.

I saved the BEST for last.....
 (don't you love my finger nail polish!?!  Compliments of my Niece Haleigh, she's very creative)
 I know this is going to sound LAME, but when overlooking the activities near Atlanta I was torn between visiting the Cabbage Patch Nursery (where they make Cabbage Patch Dolls) and the Georgia Aquarium.  What really made the final weigh in is that the Georgia aquarium has Beluga whales and if you pay a little bit more than the entry fee,  (I could have fed a small village really) you can swim with the whales.  I wasn't impressed with the aquarium its self so I looked into the "Beluga and friends encounter".  I signed up, handed over my credit card and anxiously waited 45 minutes until I could get my back stage pass.  I changed into a wet suit and had to sit in on a Whale educational class which seemed to take FOREVER.  However, did you know that the Native Alaskans (native as in Indians) are legally allowed to hunt whales in Alaska.  Kinda makes me sad, actually REALLY sad, but I guess there is an order in all things.  

FINALLY....I went into the water and did some tricks with the Beluga whales.  They are adorably cute and Witty.  I fell head over HEELS in LOVE with the Beluga named Beethoven.  Even his trainer said, "he is really drawn to you".  I had to admit, we did have a strong connection, (I know cheesy).  
Seriously though, playing up close and personal with the whales was probably one of the coolest things I've done so far.  Better than para sailing in Hawaii, better than Gator wrestling in Florida, better than shopping in San Francisco, flying in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon...BETTER. BY. FAR!
It's an experience I will never forget.  
 Oh yeah, the Penguins were pretty cool too :)

Whoever you are, I hope you enjoy this post and the pictures of Beethoven.  AND REMEMBER.....

XOXO, Kristie

Here are some more random pictures from the Georgia Aquarium.  I might as well post them and share instead of hoarding them in my iphone gallery.

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