And the award goes to....Miss Houston Friendly!

“Sisters are always drying their hair. Locked into rooms, alone, they pose at the mirror, shoulders bare, trying this way and that their hair, or fly importunate down the stair to answer the telephone.”
Phyllis McGinley

I just have to blog blog about my most favorite person ever, my Sister Linda! (Leeendah) haha
Ya I know, if you had asked me twenty years ago if I ever would think my sister would be my best friend I would have said, "Heck no, she is so MEAN to me". Which in all honestly, she usually was!
It only takes listening to a good 80's song, (usually Bananarama, "It's a cruel summer") to pictue my then teenage sister in the bathroom. Ratting her mile high multi colored beauty school student hair doo while her fifty plastic bracelets rattled away. I loved to sit in the bathroon and just watch her apply a rainbow of eyeshadow. "SHE IS SOOO COOL" I would think. "She is SOOO grown up and even has a CAR"!
Linda grew older and I grew up, (well, height wise). She's become my #1 go to woman for support, advice and a good old fashioned reality check! She is the person who ALWAYS listens with a non-judgemental ear and loves me no matter what. What I love most, she's never afraid to say it like it is. I often hear the phrase, "Sugar, put your big girl panties on and deal with it DAMNIT"!!!
I'm glad she's my sister and example in my life. In so many ways I want to be like her, (especially because she's a skinny bitch size 2) haha.
Linda, Thanks for being a fabulous sister and friend. Thanks for showing me so many things by your steadfast example and faith in God.
So glad I have you Sugar!
Love, Sugar Plum
P.S. Thanks for saving me from the house fire back in the day. I guess I owe you one! ;)

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