Sweet Home Alabama - My Southern Alabama Roots

I'm in ALABAMA! Where college football is as, if not MORE important as the air we breathe!
I flew into Birmingham and am now currently in Tuscaloosa. I went to Walmart to pick up a few things and they have an entire section designated to ALABAMA University fan gear.
Little did I know I have southern roots here in Alabama. My Dad is a Dr. to genealogy and had this fun story to share...
He wrote: A L A B A M A!!!!

You had ancestors from Henry Co., AL -- down in the southeast corner of the state.
These were the STANDLEYs, on the KNOX side of the family, (my Paternal Grandmother's side). They moved from AL to TX in about 1860 in covered wagons. Ran out of grease for their axles. Shot a bear, rendered the bear, and greased the axles with the bear grease and continued on their journey. That's real pioneering.

Love, Dad

Well okay, really not a story, but the e-mail he sent me. I tell ya....If you ever want to get in touch with your roots or hear a good history lesson, call my Dad. EVERYWHERE I go, he has a historical fact to share. I truly believe he's one of the smartest men know.

I don't know what it is, but I LOVE THE SOUTH! It must be my roots because I love it around these parts! I love the way the humidity feels on my skin, the warm weather, the smell of "mug" in the air. As I sit here in my hotel room the smell reminds me of my Grandma Ferguson's house in Tyler, TX. I know I'm a few miles away from Texas, but it takes me back to those memories and I LOVE IT! Sometimes I feel like we are kept in such a cardboard box in Utah. Everything is so cookie cutter and it's nice to get away to see other societies.

Well, Larry King is talking with Dr. Oz about eating healthy and getting exercise, so I'm gonna get to bed.
I've attached a picture of my Great-Grandma Knox, (sitting) - She is the link to my Alabama roots that once soaked in the southern Alabama soil.
Love yall ya hear!

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