Feeling The Burn!


I hope you all had a good training work out today.  My Niece Jodi decided to start training as well, so she is now following this little blogging program as well.  Meaning, I know of TWO people following my postings in training.  Two by Two people!  :) 

I started my day off with a fruit oatmeal from McDonald's and YUCK!  I won't order one of those again.  I started my work out at the gym doing 30 minutes on the elliptical followed with 15 minutes on the bike, (including my cool down).  I did some upper body weight training and some abs as well. 

If you are going to throw weights into your work out I would suggest starting out light so you don't injure any muscles.  When I was training for my full marathon I pulled my hip flexor.  That was from not stretching properly I'm sure.  However, the bummer was I had to take a valuable week off of training and every time I ran after that it would ache and I spent the next four months with ice on it.  When I ran my marathon, luckily it didn't hurt until mile 16 or so, but still....Just goes to show how long an injury can linger.  So weight train light, stretch and H2O!

After my time at the gym I headed to the salon for a scheduled chemical peel.  (I'm almost 30, gotta try to hold back the years).  HOW IT BURNED!  It felt like my face was on fire and 100 bees were stinging me all at the same time, but just like running, no pain no gain and it's all for the end result, RIGHT!?!?!  :)  When the esthetician was giving me the instructions for the next 7 days of healing from the peel she said no working out.  Nothing that gets my heart rate up or will make my face hot.  BUMMER!  I was on such a role!  That good thing is it's only for 7 days and I'll be able to do abs and some weight training.  Who knew the healing with a chemical peel was so intense!?!?

So my friends!  Tomorrow is Wednesday and it will be a good, intense work out!  :)  Wednesday work outs train our bodies to run faster and stronger.  Have you given any thought to how fast you want to run your half marathon?  My best time for a half marathon, (13.1 miles) was 2:13.  Obviously I'm not a very fast runner, but I usually maintain the same speed the entire race.  Tomorrow, and every Wednesday will be a speed training work out.  There are many different types of work outs you can do and I want you to research to see which one works best for you.  Here is just one example of a speed training work out.  I would suggest you google, "increasing speed in running" and it will give you all kinds of ideas.  If you are having a hard time finding a work out you like for speed training let me know and I will help you on a personal basis. 

No worries!  Even thought I won't be doing the work outs with you for the next 7 days I will still be blogging every day to give you some encouragement.  I'm so proud of you for your dedication and your willingness to commit.  GO YOU!!!

XOXO Kristie

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"
- Peter Maher, Canadian marathon runner

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