One Step Forward....Now I'll Take One Step Back!

Happy Valentine's Day!  

I was so excited to get running and tattle on my blog about all the fun I've been having that I forgot to start with the basics.  OOOOppppSSSS!

When I say the basics, I am talking about running gear.  Before you hit the treadmill or the pavement you will want to make sure you have the proper tools to help you arrive at the finish line.  When I first started running I remember my feet hurting A LOT!  I called my personal trainer and friend Dayna Robinson-Player and blabbed about my problem and she replied, "well, do you have the proper running shoes"?!?!  I honestly didn't know!  I just bought some new balance tennis shoes and called it good not knowing how important the right pair of running shoes were.  I went to Road Runner Sports where they have a special machine that actually tells you the type of shoe you need.  It only takes about 5 minutes and the machine takes a picture of the pressure points on your feet and shows if you have a high or low arch.  Some stores even have you run on the treadmill so they can see how your feet hit the pavement.  Some people's feet roll in or out when they land.  Good thing about all this is they can help you find the perfect shoe to help you correct these problems.  I can't tell you how much my new shoes helped!  My feet didn't hurt anymore and I could run faster and further.  They were pricey, but worth every penny!

Now, let's talk about our running style!  What you wear while you run can also make a big difference!  Make sure your running clothes are breathable and comfortable.  You don't want to wear a tank top that is always falling off your shoulder or have your running shorts always riding up.  My friend Dayna always made fun of me when we went to races because I would wear my Nike Capri's that I LOVED!  She would say, "aren't you so hot in those!?!?!  I do not see how you can run in pants!!!"  Well, they weren't pants, they were Capri's LOL and honestly, I wore them because, (this is embarrassing) but even though I ran an average of 20 miles a week, I still had thunder thighs.  If I tried to run long distances in shorts, I would have the worst chafing on my thighs that would actually chap and bleed!  NO FUN!  Everyone has what's comfortable for them, so do what works and what is comfortable for you.  Don't forget about proper running socks.  They are very important as well.  I have paid up to $16 for one pair of running socks, but once again, worth every penny to not have blisters or mess with your socks falling off your heels.  You can find them at any running store.

Now....are you feeling overwhelmed like I was when I first started running???  I remember thinking, "I thought running was going to be a cheap hobby/sport".  I was surprised at how much I spent on the proper gear, but once I was outfitted, it did make my workouts easier.

To stretch it here for some of you, a really great running tool is a running pedometer.  Now I'm not trying to sound caddy, but please don't go to Walmart and buy the $4.99 walking pedometers.  They are for old ladies with walkers, and we are hard core running girls! To keep up with us we need something a little more advanced.  They range from $60 - $300 depending on the model you get.  My pedometer really helped me track my work outs.  It would track my heart rate, distance and time.  I could run outside and know exactly how far I had ran and how long I had been running.  It is a great tool that I love!  If you have the $$ to splurge on one I would highly recommend it if you're an outdoor runner like I am.

That about covers the gear, at least I think it does :)  I'm sure I forget little things here and there so if any of you other runners out there have anything to add, please feel free to comment!

Today was a fairly easy work out.  20 minutes of jogging.  My niece Amber text me earlier today to tell me she had a great work out running her 20 minute work out.  YAY!  I'm so glad!  I feel like I am working out with all of my friends and family from all across the county.  This is fun!

I went to the gym to complete my work out today.  I was extremely tired today and I didn't feel like running, but I knew I had to get my booty in gear!  One day at a time gets you to the finish line!  I took a shot of vitamin B, (for energy) ate a half of a banana for potassium, which is great for your muscles and is also a form of electrolytes and off I went!  I rode the optical for 15 minutes as my warm up, then stretched, then set the treadmill for 25 minutes, (that includes cool down).  My muscles were still sore from my Saturday workout so it was hard to get going.  Once I got into my rhythm, it felt good!  I took a few walking breaks, but was able to do the 20 minutes at a 5.5 MPH pace.  After my cool down I stretched some more and drank some refreshing H20.  Remember to drink a LOT of water!!!  Your muscles need to be hydrated and especially if you're running, your sweating more, depleting your fluids.  Take a water bottle wherever you go.  Hydrate on your way to work, while at work, on your way home, before bed, when you wake up, etc etc, drink drink drink H20! 

Now for tomorrow!  Tuesday's we work on our cardio and give our joints a little break.  I love Tuesday's because you can still get a great work out without and the pounding on your body.  We are going to do 40 minutes of ANY non/impact cardio activity.  You can do the olyptical, ride a bike, swim laps, whatever you want to do in order to get your heart rate up for 40 minutes.  This work out is helping to train your heart/cardio.   Helping with your endurance, so when you're running a race your cardio training can keep you going even when your legs are tired.  Some of you may think you can run 6 days a week to train and you'll be a better runner.  From what I've read and my own experience you need to give your muscles some time to repair and recover.  If you run every day, I don't know if they get that opportunity.  So I choose to take a day off impact exercises in between running work outs.  That's just me! 

  Remember, no matter how tired, or busy you are don't miss the daily work out.  Just push yourself to get through that one day.  One day at a time gets you to the finish line!!!!

XOXO Kristie

Here's a little motivational quote to pump you up for tomorrow's work out!

"Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it's all about."
-PattiSue Plumer, U.S. Olympian

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